Monday 30 March 2015

My Holiday Bucket List

Hey guys, so as you know the holidays are just around the corner for us sydney-siders and I am well and truly ready for the holidays.  That being said, in the last 10 weeks slowly ideas have been forming in my mind as to what I would like to do in the glorious two weeks that I have on holiday. 

I have compiled a bit of a list including things I’ve planned already and things I’d like to do.  So here it is:

  1. Go on a shopping spree with a friend (already planned it and I’m looking forward to going to Lush, Sportsgirl, Cotton on and Myer as well as the new Forever 21, uni qlo and H&M)
  2. Go see the movies:
    1. Cinderella
    2. In the Chaos
    3. Insurgent
  3. Have a picnic with friends
  4. Film some more youtube videos ( ideally quite a few so I have some ready to upload during the term when I can't film)
  5. Try some cooking/baking
  6. Read two new books
  7. Research some magazines for me to start reading.
  8. Apply for a part time job
  9. Paint my nails 
  10. Take some cute polaroid pictures

So there it is, some of my goals and wishes for these holidays, I hope you guys have a great Easter and that you do some fun things in the holidays.

Georgia Rose

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