Friday 26 June 2015

Advice for travelling to Asian Countries

I'm in Japan at the moment and I was in Thailand with my school last year.  I feel that in a lot of western countries we don't  really connect or understand their cultures and therefore sometimes we don't really understand how to act when we're someplace new.

Here are my top tips for traveling to Asian countries.  Written with my friend Stephie who went to both Thailand and Japan with me.

Number One: Embrace and Respect Culture and Food
You are a guest in their country and its a privilege to get to experience that culture.  Try new things and respect the many differences between your culture and their's.  Visit temples and other traditional, heritage sites that you may never get to see again.  Also try new food.  Food in all these countries is amazing so you should take the opportunity to embrace it.

Number Two:  Learn key phrases
When you're travelling you are choosing to visit their culture and that choice vines with the responsibility of learning some of their language.  Greetings, numbers and key phrases will help you and will ear you the respect of the locals.

Number Three:  Research their customs
Learn about what their appropriate dress code is and what they wear to temples.  Like I said in tip one visiting heritage sites is an important part of their culture that you should see but it is important to be respectful about it.

Number Four:  Be open to new experiences
Try new things.  Often you may be visiting somewhere that you'll never get to see again.  Whilst you are there just get on with trying offering things.

For example, whilst in Japan we experienced a traditional tea ceremony.

If you want to know more about my Japanese holiday check out my Instagram and my daily vlogs on YouTube.  Links are in my contact me page.

Lots of Love,
Georgia Rose

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